Used IT Books

Kamran linuxdarkstar-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Wed May 21 23:09:20 UTC 2008

William O'Higgins Witteman wrote:
> On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 12:40:17PM -0400, Kevin Morris wrote:
>> There are a few used books stores around the downtown core. One that I know of
>> is near Dundas and Yonge it is beside the World's Biggest Book Store, not sure
>> the name of the street. If you walk south of Bloor along Yonge you will find a
>> few used book stores that might carry some good used computer books even though
>> they don't specialise in computer books.
> If you know what you are looking for, post that - I know I have a number
> of books that I could donate if they were of use.  I have also given
> several books to the Linux Caffe, so I know that they had some useful
> stuff at one point.
> If you have needy people, look for existing programs and report those to
> the list - if I could donate things to somewhere I might do so, and
> others might as well.  If there are no existing programs, put out a call
> for what you need.  I know I have books and tech that are not fully
> utilized that I would donate, and I am probably not alone.

I appreciate the offer.  The books I am looking for are on the following 

A+(Meyers or Docter or Brooks)
MCSE Training Kits even if it is only on Windows XP Admin(Micrsoft 
Press) or Winodws XP Inside and Out

I understand the last request may seem offencive considering this is a 
LUG but one of the people I am trying to help can not even operate 
Windows very well, he can not copy folders.  When some of them saw me 
working in a shell on my laptop they asked me if I was "writing codes" 
or if I was programming.  They want to learn basic Microsoft Admin stuff 
to get tech support jobs so it does seem reasonable.

To be clear I have little use for these books and I own the XP one and 
CCNA ones anyways.  These books are for people who to put it bluntly are 
poor and are looking for a way out of their situation.  Thanks for any 
assistance any of you can give.
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