Artist(s) wanted...

Colin McGregor colinmc151-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Thu Mar 20 02:23:02 UTC 2008

As previously noted, GTALug will have a booth at the
upcoming IT360 trade show (April 7 to 9). As in past
years, the plan is to have pin backed round 2.25"
buttons for the volunteers helping with the booth. We
would like to do something a LITTLE different with the
buttons (the last two years have center around a
variation on the GTALug logo found on the wiki). This
year the question that has been kicked around is:

Can we find someone who can tweak the logo seen on the
wiki so Tux is seen holding a coffee mug?

The original logo can be seen in the upper left corner
of the wiki page here:

Thanks all.

Colin McGregor

The Toronto Linux Users Group.      Meetings:
TLUG requests: Linux topics, No HTML, wrap text below 80 columns

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