Porting Windows -> Linux (tools/libraries)

Paul Nash paul-fQIO8zZcxYtFkWKT+BUv2w at public.gmane.org
Thu Mar 13 16:21:42 UTC 2008

I have recently done a couple of large porting jobs from Windows to  
Linux, and as part of the process have built up partial libraries to  
emulate bits of the win32 API on Linux, such as the crypto API, MSSQL  
(using MySQL instead), MS-XML (libxml2) and winsock (yetch).  These  
libraries currently contain enough code (functions emulated, options  
supported) to support these specific projects (between 20% and 80% of  
the MS functionality).

I am considering completing them as a general-purpose tool for others  
to use (for money :-)), but don't want to waste my time if there is no  
interest.  So, if anyone here would have a use for such libraries, or  
can think of anyone who might, or knows of other forums to ask, please  
let me know.

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