Mr Chris Aitken chris-n/jUll39koHNgV/OU4+dkA at
Tue Mar 4 12:09:48 UTC 2008

Lennart Sorensen wrote:

>On Sat, Mar 01, 2008 at 09:20:46AM -0500, Mr Chris Aitken wrote:
>>Well, yeah, but some CD-Rs I've burned play on anything. I'm starting to 
>>shop songs around so I want to make sure the CDs I burn will play on 
>>anything. Teh one time some A&R decides to spin your CD you don't want 
>>it to fail in whatever CD player he throws it in. For instance, 
>>store-bought CDs will play in anything. Why? How can I get that 
>>consistency on CDs I burn? How can I burn CDs that won't "depend[] on 
>>the player"? Will I be safer with CD-Rs instead of CD-RWs? It seems so 
>>but I don't know so.
>A CD-R should work on any CD player.  It won't work on many older DVD
>players however.  CD-RW only works on newer devices that know about them
>in many cases.  So the only sure thing is a pressed CD. 
Is it really pressed (loosely analogous to vinyl record pressing) as 
opposed to burned - or are you just nostalgically referring to 
store-bought CDs (from a CD music store) as "pressed". Really, what I 
want to know is can you "press" CDs at home?



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