OT: Buying Stock
Mr Chris Aitken
chris-n/jUll39koHNgV/OU4+dkA at public.gmane.org
Sat Feb 16 00:18:08 UTC 2008
I want to buy some stocks. I've never bought stocks before. I have an
RRSP and I eventually want to move that money into a self-directed RRSP
(if that's what it's called when you create your own RRSP). I'm taking a
Business Mathematics course at a local college (I know, I know, 90% of
investing is guts, timing, luck etc. - it's the other 5% I'm taking the
math for). For now, though, I thought I'd try buying some blue-chip
stock. It's a small amount so I don't want to lose a lot in brokerage fees.
Does anyone know a good discount broker? Any gotchas? I've never used
PayPal or any other online payment method. I've only ever bought
anything "off the Internet" by calling a 1-800 number (from a website)
then using my credit card over the phone.
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