set up studio
Mr Chris Aitken
chris-n/jUll39koHNgV/OU4+dkA at
Thu Feb 14 11:30:47 UTC 2008
Kristian Erik Hermansen wrote:
>On Feb 9, 2008 9:23 AM, <chris-n/jUll39koHNgV/OU4+dkA at> wrote:
>>Sorry, in advance, for the long post. I want to record my songs but I'm
>>having trouble just setting up the software/hardware infrastructure (if that
>>term works). I thought if you knew my layout and challenges, I could get
>>some general advice (instead of just specific things like, 'this is a good
>>amp', and 'this is a good software mixer'), so that my studio, though not
>>state-of-the-art, will at least be functional - so that everything works
>>together well. Here are my challenges:
>Ubuntu Studio, 64Studio, or others?
Sorr, for the close-to-top-post. I left all the text below to refresh
your memeory of this thread. Hmmm, Ubuntu Studio looks promising. I
wonder what version of alsa loads with that. Do I just run sudo apt-get
install ubuntu-studio to install it? I understand that it's too big to
burnt to a CD...
>>*E-mu 1212m pci card in linux*. I couldn't get my emu1212m pci soundcard to
>>fully function under Ubuntu 7.10 (even upgrading alsa sound drivers to
>>1.0.14rc didn't give me full functionality). I even tried installing alsa
>>1.0.15, but the repository file I had to edit and the commands that the
>>package manager advised me to run made a mess of my system (I had to
>Sounds like you need a new driver in the latest ALSA. If you are
>having trouble installing it manually, you could try to go with Ubuntu
>Hardy as an /easy/ solution...
>>*E-mu 1212m pci card in W2K*. So, I finally gave in (I'd really like to keep
>>using linux) and tried Windows 2000 Pro. The soundcard works fine in W2K.
>It would be nice if the manufacturer made a driver for your Linux
>system now wouldn't it :-) Call them up and tell them you are pissed.
> It helps. I never sit by and let them get away with it. If they
>didn't write a driver for me, I call, ask why, open a ticket, and then
>try to talk to at least one developer...
>>*Linux/Windows dual-boot*. Since I want to do my other business work (word
>>processing, printing, email) on linux, I tried to do a Ubuntu 7.10/Windows
>>2000 dual-boot. Linux/Windows dual-boots usually work fine as long as you
>>install Windows first (which I did). However, I'm getting W2K's version of
>>the blue screen 'o' death. I have repeated this problem several times now,
>>so it wasn't a fluke. I'd like to have a dual-boot scenario, at least until
>>I find that there is a stable version of a linux distro that will fully run
>>the emu1212m. Another reason I want a dual-boot is that I can save files
>>between Windows and linux, easily. This would be good, for instance, if I
>>created .aup (Audacity project) files in Windows, then (when stable emu 1212
>>support is available in linux) move them over to linux and run them in
>>Audacity on that OS.
>Dual-booting is nothing special...
>>*Cubasis VST OEM, and Audacity*. Although Cubasis VST OEM (the
>>recorder/mixer that came with the emu1212 m) seems to be giving me full
>>functionality (of the emu 1212m), I was hoping to also have Audacity on the
>>same system (so I can use both apps – I'm somewhat familiar with the
>>Audacity interface and I know it will give me .ogg and unlimited .mp3
>>functionality (both of which Cubasis does not offer "out-of-the-box)).
>>Audacity does not seem to be fully functional for me under W2K (for
>>instance, the mixer toolbar input selector drop-down menu is not even
>If you are doing multi-channel recording, you probably want to try
>Ardour over Audacity...
>>*Mic Pre-amp?* Yesterday, for the first time, I got the emu1212m to record!
>>I was thrilled. It was just a phrase of singing. However, the singing
>>sounded muddy. I have not done any EQ (which I don't know how to do yet) but
>>it was really muddy. I'm wondering if the problem is that I have inadequate
>>microphone pre-amplification. I saw in the emu1212m manual that the balanced
>>1/4" lines IN are "line level". So, I plugged my mic into the only pre-amp I
>>have (it's just a little Realistic Stereo Pre-amplifier Model No. 42-2109).
>>It's a phono (record player) pre-amp; only about the size of two packages of
>>cigarettes. Should it be obvious to me that this thing is just not clean
>>enough or powerful enough (or both) to use as a pre-amplifier in a semi-pro
>>recording studio? I don't mind buying a mic pre-amp (which, I hope, would
>>double as a guitar/bass pre-amp) but I don't buy anything until I hit a wall
>>and am sure of why I need to buy something. At one point I was looking at
>>the "Presonus Firebox 6X10 24-bit/96K FireWire Recording System". However,
>>that was before I bought the emu1212m pci soundcard, so the Presonus may do
>>the job but it may also be more than what I now need.
>At least in Gnome, if you open up the sound settings you can tick the
>checkbox for "mic boost". You can also do this via alsamixer command
>line interface...
>>*Analogue guy*. By the way, I am (for now) an analogue /non-midi guy. I
>>don't care (yet) about firewire, midi, adat, and s/pdif. I just want to plug
>>a mic or guitar, keyboard or drum machine into an XLR or 1/4" port, record
>>tracks, mix 'em down on a simple interface, export as .ogg or .mp3, and burn
>>a CD.
>>*Balanced/Unbalanced*. I have a dog's breakfast of balanced and unbalanced
>>devices/cables/adaptors in my studio. I really don't want to have to get a
>>physical mixer (because of the expense) so I am using a patch bay. Nice and
>>simple. Unfortunately, after years of using this (just to choose among
>>listening to my tapedeck, CD player, and computer) I did a web search and
>>find that it is probably an unbalanced patch bay (TASCAM PATCH BAY PB-32P).
>I am not a professional record produer :-)
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