Irritating software

Rob Sutherland sutherland_rob-/E1597aS9LQAvxtiuMwx3w at
Mon Aug 25 11:16:31 UTC 2008

I know, I know, there is no irritating software, only 
irritated software users (or irritating software authors), but I've been struggling with a few examples of bad practice lately .

The whole area of PHP debugging would make Rube Goldberg
laugh, not because there are no FLOSS alternatives but 
because of things like this...

There's a guy called Dmitri Dmitrienko who wrote a package 
called dbg that allows you to debug PHP. The instructions
for installation are pretty standard...

 $./configure --enable-dbg=shared \
            --with-dbg-profiler \
            --with-php-config=/path/to/php-config \
$make install

but, after that is a note

NOTE: I do not recommend to install php :) In other words 
      I'd recommend to avoid running make install for PHP. 
      On many systems it will strip down
      symbol table and installed executable 
      (or shared object such as will 
      be ABSOLUTELY USELESS because it will FAIL to load
Call me crazy, but when certain optional procedure steps can 
mess up most people, I put the step deep in an obscure 
footnote instead of leaving it in the main line. This isn't
a big problem for a developer, but I came across a number of
posts by Mac types who tried to compile it with predictable
results :-( 


Rob Sutherland

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