CD-Rom Drive Not Mounting

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Fri Aug 15 21:39:06 UTC 2008

| From: Stephen <stephen-d-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at>

| I am trying to get Sound-Juicer running under Ubuntu on my PS3.

Thanks for reminding me.  I was too lazy to read the previous
messages in this thread.  My bad.

I find that my earlier message was just an amplification of what
Lennart had said earlier:

>   Audio CDs of course are not mounted
> since they have no filesystem, only raw audio data.  Those you just play
> (or extract).

I also find that Giles had made a good suggestion that I suspect would
> Another possibility is that Sound Juicer expects to find /dev/cdrom
> and when it doesn't find that link it gets confused.  I've never used
> Sound Juicer but I've definitely had this same problem with other
> CD-ripping programs: usually all that's required is to either edit the
> Sound Juicer config (either through its GUI or the right dotfile) or
> just create a soft link from /dev/scd0 to /dev/cdrom .  The latter is
> probably a good idea anyway.

(By "soft link" he means "symbolic link".  The command to create them
is ln(1) with the flag -s.  The symbolic link may well need to be
created after each boot.  If it works, there may be a less kludgy way
of doing this, but try one step at a time for now.)

Did you not understand these messages?  If so, it probably would be
wise to ask about them.  I suspect they are exactly what you needed to

[I wrote the rest before looking at previous messages.]

I would have said that Linux on PS3 is an unknown quatity: you are
running under a virtual machine and what you see of the real hardware
is under its control.  This is not the same as running on a common
garden variety PC.

But your cdparanoia run would seem to suggest that your system has
everything you need in the way of access to the CD drive.  This says
nothing (to me) about access to DVDs.

| SJ errors out at startup claiming that it cannot find a CD-ROM drive.
| But SJ uses cdparanoia I believe.
| I am guessing that it is getting something it does not expect when it is
| initializing.

I would guess that the problem is fixable.  I could make random
suggestions ("use strace on SJ to figure out if cdparanoia is getting
run and if its parameters make sense") but you really are better
off asking folks who have a similar system.

Offer: buy me a PS3 and I'll figure it out :-)
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