Suggest a PCMCIA wireless card?

Lennart Sorensen lsorense-1wCw9BSqJbv44Nm34jS7GywD8/FfD2ys at
Mon Aug 11 21:32:44 UTC 2008

On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 11:45:50AM -0400, William Muriithi wrote:
> I would advice you to drop in one of the good computer shops around
> you and check what they have. Then pick the product number and as they
> will likely provide internet access, check where the chipset comes
> from. I personally prefer the atheros chipset as they are perfectly
> supported - they are the only two vendors that provide Linux hacker,
> the other being Intel. Another good thing about them is they allow the
> card to be an AP, if you feel like converting your laptop to a
> wireless router.

We have a thinkpad at work with an ath5k chip in it.  I can't get it to
work yet.  The driver sees it and loads and always just returns an error
about being unable to find the PHY.  So atheros is promising but so far
I have never personally seen one actually work yet.  The thinkpads with
intel 4965s on the other hand just work, but you can't seem to get those
as standalone cards.

> I have one of those cards and it works perfectly. I don't know the
> product number, but I know its from atheros. I can furnish  you with
> more data later.

Len Sorensen
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