dsl outage?

Madison Kelly linux-5ZoueyuiTZhBDgjK7y7TUQ at public.gmane.org
Sun Aug 3 17:36:36 UTC 2008

Dave Cramer wrote:
> Well, ultimately all DSL is from bell, so they are all connected.
> --dc--
> On 3-Aug-08, at 1:00 PM, Neil Watson wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 03, 2008 at 12:53:25PM -0400, Madison Kelly wrote:
>>> Ya, no idea why. Seemed pretty random, too. Some sites were more  
>>> responsive then others, but nothing worked well. What ISP are you 
>>> on,  Sympatico?
>> I am with Primus.  My connection was completely down.

Indeed, they all go through Bell's concentrator and deep packet analysis 
machine. Given that Neil's connection is through Primus, and I am going 
through Interlink (another reseller), it does seem to indicate an issue 
with Bell.

During the problem, I checked my sync rate and it was fine, so the 
problem wasn't the last mile. Also, I run my own, patched DNS servers, 
so I don't think it was a DNS issue directly unless it was somewhat 

Given that some sites were better than others and the throttling coming 
and going, I worry that they were playing with restricting access to 
specific sites. I found serious trouble accessing some high-bandwidth 
sites like deviantart.com.

Madi, who admits to being paranoid about bell's view of net neutrality.
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