P.H.P. and Python (and Tcl/Tk!)

phiscock-g851W1bGYuGnS0EtXVNi6w at public.gmane.org phiscock-g851W1bGYuGnS0EtXVNi6w at public.gmane.org
Wed Apr 30 13:21:32 UTC 2008

> /bin/sh, awk, early Perl, PHP, and to some degree Tcl/Tk are slightly
> further down that road in that all data are strings, but some operations
> can interpret them as numbers, etc.  This has both performance and
> reliability/safety implications, but they are rarely critical.  Most of
> these languages are also pure interpreters and have some performance hit
> (a few more months worth of Moore's law).

When we first started using Tcl/Tk (which is interpreted) , there was a
significant performance hit in comparison to compiled languages. It was
worth it, because the speed was (just) adequate and the features and
convenience of the language were a good fit to our applications.
Subsequently Tcl/Tk has incorporated various on-the-fly complilations that
improve the speed without impacting the convenience of an interpreted
language. We can now do screen updates on our oscilloscope hardware at a
rate that is indistinguishable from an analog scope. Some of that is due
to the high-speed USB connection, some due to increased processor clock
rates, and some due to improvements in Tcl/Tk. We can now do a dual trace
display, an FFT calculation and plot, and a histogram plot at a rate some
20x faster than we could originally do the trace plot alone.

You probably wouldn't want to use Tcl/Tk for a weather prediction program
or air traffic control, but it's fast enough for many applications. That
probably applies to many other interpreted languages, as Dave suggests.

Peter Hiscocks
Syscomp Electronic Design Limited, Toronto
USB Oscilloscope and Waveform Generator

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