Buzzword Bingo Ultimate Edition!

Giles Orr gilesorr-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Mon Apr 21 22:01:31 UTC 2008

Can anyone here identify the product (or even market niche of the
product!) without googling the text below?  I knew what it was for and
was completely dumbfounded by the verbiage:

"Product X enables more productivity with portal lifecycle
improvements that simplify deployment, federation, and administration.
Combined with the industry leading portal lifecycle management
capabilities already available in Product X, release N development
capabilities can help speed delivery and maximize opportunity while
aligning very well with modern development methodologies such as Agile
and XP. Product X v. N has an integrated lifecycle and SOA backbone
that helps deliver value by leveraging existing investments,
shortening time-to-market, increasing productivity, and lowering
run-the-engine costs. Product X compliments modern SOA environments
and iterative project development approaches by integrating disparate
user experiences and visualizing services while also adding unique

I'd heard most of those before, but "lowering run-the-engine costs"
was new to me and now I just have to buy it.

gilesorr-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
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