The kitchen sync

Evan Leibovitch evan-ieNeDk6JonTYtjvyW6yDsg at
Thu Apr 17 21:43:50 UTC 2008

Hello all,

I'm working with an installation that has two Linux servers -- one
running Samba and database applications, the other running mail (postfix
/ spamassassin / maia / CourierIMAP / postgrey) for a company of about
75 people. This will be connected to a Windows server that's required
because of Blackberry Exchange Server won't run under Linux (even though
half of RIM seems to use Linux -- grr).

Anyway, it occurred to me that it would be a Really Good Idea to
synchronize the Linux login accounts, email accounts, Samba access, and
Windows Exchange/BEX authentication. It seems like LDAP is the way to go
but after all these years I've never used it before.

Can someone recommend some good tutorials about doing this kind of
thing? Any advice -- even if if it' s to use other tools -- are appreciated.


- Evan

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