IT360 follow-ups...

Colin McGregor colinmc151-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Fri Apr 11 15:21:40 UTC 2008

I would like to get people's reaction to the IT360
show, what was good/bad/indifferent...

We did get some left-over swag from "Linux Pro
Magazine" booth and the Asterisk user group. So,
anyone interested in any of the following items (or an
example of multiple items):

- Linux Pro Magazine issue 89 - April 2008
- Ubuntu 6.06 DVD
- The Best Small Distros DVD
- AsteriskNOW for Dummies - Digium Edition

should get in touch. I will (as supplies last) be
bringing the above items to the next NewTLUG and
GTALug meetings. If anyone really wants the above bits
you can arrange to pick them up from my home (near
Yonge & Eglinton).

Another freebee, I burned more copies of the DVD to go
with my presentation than planned. This means anyone
interesting in a DVD with a copy of a live Linux games
iso, and a copy of "Damn Vulnerable Linux" (among
other bits) should be in touch. "Damn Vulnerable
Linux" (DVL) is not a joke, this is a security
training tool, a distro. where all the security
settings have been done BADLY. Basicly you set-up a
box off the Internet, put DVL on it and start hunting
for/fixing problems (there are LOTS of them :-) ). So,
if anyone wants a copy of said DVD, let me know.

Colin McGregor

The Toronto Linux Users Group.      Meetings:
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