Geek woman news story of possible interest...

Robert Brockway robert-5LEc/6Zm6xCUd8a0hrldnti2O/JbrIOy at
Sun Sep 23 20:25:40 UTC 2007

On Sat, 22 Sep 2007, Jamon Camisso wrote:

> That, and I'll pose the question: what is wrong with what she did? Were 
> it the street, why would the cops have been more or less justified in 
> their reaction since the law is the law regardless of location?

Hi Jamon.  I'm not commenting but the legimacy of her arrest (as I haven't 
look at the story properly yet) but as a former police office I just 
wanted to make one point: Many laws are indeed specific to physical 
location.  I've seen special laws that exist for airports, borders, 
shopping malls, parks, government buildings, and lots of other 
places.  Some laws are even specific to certain locations at certain 

I once travelled from Australia to Canada (via the US) with the insides of 
a computer in my brief case.  The motherboard appearing in the x-ray 
caused a few funny looks and I was really helpful and open with all of the 
security guards about what I was transporting and why.  As a result I had 
absolutely no problems.



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