Installing Perl Modules with RPM

Alex Beamish talexb-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Mon Mar 26 16:17:06 UTC 2007

On 3/26/07, Stephen W. Clarke <stephenc-wtWqQT8woy8 at> wrote:
> I have been in the habit of using CPAN to install perl modules onto
> servers. However, this time around I decided to try installing them with
> YUM/RPM onto my new Fedora Core 6 server.
> One of the modules I need is
> Time::HiRes which curiously was not available through yum. So I went
> looking and found an RPM at When I tried installing this
> rpm I got a conflict with perl-5.8.8-10. I little bit more Google work and
> it seems that perl-5.8.8-10 might have made Time::HiRes obsolete.
> Can any of you confirm or deny this?

I just quickly nipped into #perl on freenode, and LeoNerd said he was
running that combination fine.

The list of CORE modules does seem to get longer with each release, but it
seems that Time::HiRes isn't a CORE module yet.

You could also ask on #fedora if you feel like braving IRC.

Alex Beamish
Toronto, Ontario
aka talexb
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