help with sed

Sy Ali sy1234-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Sat Jun 16 04:18:13 UTC 2007

In Konqueror, I can right-click a wav file and I see an action to encode it.

But I notice that it won't work with some filenames.  I tracked down
the commandline being used, and I see that sed is removing .wav from
the end of the input thusly:

 lame %f `echo %f | sed 's/\\\\\\\\.wav$$//'`.mp3

But this won't work on complex filenames, such as:

 Lacuna Coil [2005, in a Reverie (reissue) #03] - Honeymoon Suite.wav

What can I do to correct this commandline and keep using sed to remove
.wav from the end of the filename?
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