Suggestions needed; mail server suggestions

Madison Kelly linux-5ZoueyuiTZhBDgjK7y7TUQ at
Mon Jul 9 14:06:02 UTC 2007

Hi all,

   I've been using Sendmail for many years now, despite a few (aborted) 
attempts to move to other systems. Until now it has served me well.

   Thing is though, the number of email addresses and domains I host has 
been growing (and with luck, will continue to grow). My issue is that I 
don't like needing to have a shell account for each email address. This 
is insecure to a degree and makes backup and recovery more difficult.

   So I want to move to a SQL-based mail server. I want to let users use 
their email address as their POP3 username, for simplicity.

   So what then, good TLUG'ers, would you suggest I look at? All I am 
asking for is pointers, but recipes would be appreciated!

   Thanks all!

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