[Very OT] Saddam Hanging Video -- Some comments

Stephen Allen kru_tch-FFYn/CNdgSA at public.gmane.org
Mon Jan 1 15:19:54 UTC 2007

Madison Kelly wrote:

> Fark took the stance that even though groups like CNN and Fox want to
> share it, fine for them, but they wouldn't. For that, I give them huge
> props. As they said, it's a snuff film. To me, watching it is akin to
> getting everyone out for a good 'ol public hanging. Something that
> should have stayed done away with.

I can't agree with this -- It's important for people to see reality from
time to time, especially in the western world, where we are so pampered,
and often don't realize what's important in life, other than material

CNN and the other media outlets did the so called right thing, NOT
because they're paragon's of virtue, but because they were under
pressure from the administration, as the American government wished to
detach themselves from the event, and didn't wish to appear to be
"gloating". That wouldn't have played well in the middle east (no
kidding eh).

It should be watched with repulsion, not with enjoyment. It's important
for people to see what other people can do to others, and what
retribution is all about, whether one believes in it or not. The
important thing is that the majority of the world does, when one lives
outside of the liberal democracies.

We're far too politically correct for our own good. <sigh>
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