Linux and Religion

Lennart Sorensen lsorense-1wCw9BSqJbv44Nm34jS7GywD8/FfD2ys at
Wed Feb 7 20:05:29 UTC 2007

On Wed, Feb 07, 2007 at 11:17:20AM -0800, Mike Oliver wrote:
> Why *US* political party?  Y'all's parties
> aren't like that?

No they aren't.  People in most countries are willing to change their
government if it isn't doing a good job.  Parties can go from major to
not even official party status in a single election.  The US seems to
have gotten stuck with the idea that there are only two parties, and
nothing else can ever have a chance. Of course as long as nobody thinks
anything else has a chance they won't vote for anything else, which is
just silly.  A lot of countries have so many parties that you can't ever
get a single party with a majority, they have to form coalitions of 5 or
6 parties to form a majority to govern.  I believe the 2 party systems
is one of the biggest flaws of the US.

Len Sorensen
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