Leaning web development (php, mySQL, AJAX...)

Aaron Vegh aaronvegh-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org
Tue Dec 18 16:03:27 UTC 2007

> It might just be easier to learn something like Drupal.  That way a
> lot of the tedious stuff is done for you.  Instead of re-inventing the
> wheel and all.

Bah. Why invent a particular brand of wheel when you can make your
own? :-) Learning PHP and MySQL is the way to go: it's the
always-there, 1-2 punch of web application development. Drupal is
fine, and Rails is cool, but frameworks make you work a certain way.

I used a dead-tree book called "PHP and MySQL Development", some years
ago, to learn how to do this stuff. Here's it on amazon.com, which is
an updated version:


Great book, and very easy to follow through from total basics to
advanced topics. I used it to help me as I tackled a project head-on
(to echo a former poster, it's the only way to go). And unless you
have an ebook reader on hand, you can't beat having a separate thing
on your desk to reference as you code.

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