soekris n4501 CF images

Byron Sonne blsonne-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Sat Dec 1 17:28:53 UTC 2007

Hey All, recently started playing around with a soekris n4501 (a fun
little embedded box that I got from
my old job. We had it customized a bit (this one has 128MB onboard), and
with it I'm using a 256MB CF card. I've also added a Cisco MPI350
mini-pci nic with two external antennas.

I've followed a bunch of links off the soekris site, and I've been
playing around with stuff like pfsense and m0n0wall. Sadly the box is a
little too underpowered to make pfsense tolerable to use, and m0n0
appears not to support the MIP350. I'm forgetting a number of other
things I've tried.

Can anyone point me in the direction of something I might have
forgotten, or have something you've cooked up yourself? Most of all, I'm
just looking to get something put together so that I can confirm the
wireless is fully functional, that I can at least use it as a client.
Though running it as an AP would be cool.


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