Bandwidth monitor for a server with many virtual hosts

Madison Kelly linux-5ZoueyuiTZhBDgjK7y7TUQ at
Wed Aug 15 18:12:33 UTC 2007

Neil Watson wrote:
> Can you better define virtual host?  Apache, Zen, Vmware or other?  You
> want to measure bandwidth usage for each virtual host?

Apache2 Virtual Hosts would be the main source of bandwidth and thus the 
one I would be most concerned about. Perhaps I can create a list of 
files under each VH container then parse logs against that? I was hoping 
for a more elegant solution though...

Secondly, I would like to say "log any network traffic to these 
directories". This way I could just make a list of directories that are 
used by a given client and see how much data was read/written. Then 
there is the question of data going into/from a DB... *sigh*

Hence my reason for asking. :)


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