Linux Computer

Randy Jonasz rjonasz-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Sun Apr 8 01:00:04 UTC 2007

Hello everyone,

I hope the long weekend is treating you well. In lieu of doing my own
research or as part of that research, I thought I would toss out a
general question.  I'm putting together a desktop computer for my
parents.  They need to run linux and they want to spend around $1200.
What sort of hardware can I get that will be fully compatible with
mandriva?  They use the computer mainly as a window onto the internet
and email, but from time to time,  they also edit and print digital
photos as well with the gimp.

I'd like to go with a dual core amd athlon 64 with 2GB of ram and
maybe a western digital sata hard drive.  I'm not sure what video card
to get, but I'd like one with dvi out and nvidia chipset.  Don't need
to worry about ethernet card as we have an old dlink which works well.
 Sound card is not all that important; they're used to a sb live.
They also want a flatscreen lcd monitor, but this does not need to be
included in the $1200, although if it could be, that would be great.

Any and all advice is welcome!



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