Yet Another reason to use linux...

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Tue Apr 3 05:30:14 UTC 2007

| From: Walter Dnes <waltdnes-SLHPyeZ9y/tg9hUCZPvPmw at>

| Neener Neener... linux is greener

Most mainline Linux distros seem to be roughly as piggy as WinXP.
Luckilly Vista has come out, so the bar has moved (the wrong way).

I wonder why there isn't a mainline distro that is reasonably
functional and yet "parties like it's 1999".  If you know what you are
doing, you can slim some distros down or pick slim off-beat ones, but
the "know what you are doing" is the catch.

Open Office is reputed to be piggier than MS Office, an amazing

My laptop (Celeron M CPU) takes less power under WinXP than Linux.  I
measured it.  My guess: the Linux clock interrupt coming in at 1KHz,
whether it is needed or not, is burning power.

At OLS last year there was a talk by an Intel guy about only having
clock interrupts when there was something scheduled for that tick.
Great talk.  The feature is coming, but I'm impatient.
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