LF laptop for IPCOP firewall

John Van Ostrand john-Da48MpWaEp0CzWx7n4ubxQ at public.gmane.org
Thu Sep 28 19:25:34 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-09-28 at 14:52 -0400, Lennart Sorensen wrote:
> I worked with a pentium 233mmx thinkpad a few years ago that certainly
> did not have a cdrom drive nor built in networking.

Instead of a laptop how about something else low power.  You could pick
up a Linksys WRT56GL and flash it with a custom Linux. At less than $100
it's pretty cheap, silent and will be less power than that the old

If you want more CPU power or storage we sell ITX based systems for $410
that include a slim DVD-ROM CD-RW. You get essentially a 500Mhz PC with
256MB, 80GB, everything on-board, and one PCI slot (for the second NIC.)
It's fanless so the only noise is from the hard disk.  We often sell
these without the DVD/CDRW ($335) because one can temporarily hook up a
regular CD-ROM for installation and remove it for operation. If you have
a hard disk you want to use we can sell it without HD and DVD/CDRW for

When you consider the cost of a free notebook, two PCMCIA NICs, external
CD (if required) and then the maintenance of old hardware, the cost of
either of the above options might be justifiable.

John Van Ostrand
         Net Direct Inc.
Chief Technology Officer
564 Weber St. N. Unit 12
   Waterloo, ON N2L 5C6 
john-Da48MpWaEp0CzWx7n4ubxQ at public.gmane.org
        Ph: 519-883-1172
Linux Solutions / IBM
        Fx: 519-883-8533

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