Free computer hardwares

William Park opengeometry-FFYn/CNdgSA at
Thu Sep 14 01:15:07 UTC 2006

I would like to give away the following items.  Contact me off-list, if
you want any.  

1.  Dual-P3/600MHz:

    - Abit VP6 dual motherboard, 4x128 PC-133 SDRAM, 2x20GB IBM
      harddisk, ATI Rage XL AGP, 3Com 905C, DLink Ralink wireless PCI, 2
      port USB2.0 PCI, Enlight 300W ATX case.  This has been my
      workhorse for many years.  I even put a handle on top of the case.

2.  2xP3/800MHz:

    - cpu's only.  They were pulled from my other dual-P3s.

3.  CRT Monitors:
    - 12" IBM 8503 monochrome
    - 17" noname color
    - 17" NEC Multisync 75
    - 21" Nanao FlexScan 6500 monochrome (heavy, you need car)

4.  Cases:

    - Aopen mATX 250W tower -- empty case, fairly new, has handle on top
    - Enlight ATX 250W tower -- has P2 in it, has handle on top

5.  Keyboards:

    - lots of PS/2 keyboards

William Park <opengeometry-FFYn/CNdgSA at>, Toronto, Canada
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