hardware recycling

Paul Nash paul-fQIO8zZcxYtFkWKT+BUv2w at public.gmane.org
Tue Sep 12 21:14:23 UTC 2006

>! The folks in Haiti (or Rwanda, or Chile,
>or) would ROCK with a network made outta dat !

Umm, I hate to burst your bubble, but ...

I come from South Africa, and have done a lot of work in underdeveloped
areas there and in the rest of Africa.  People there do not appreciate
being used as a dumping ground for useless junk ("here, Windows '95 is good
enough for your needs").

There is a lot of pretty advanced work going on (I build the first 3G
cellular data network there long before anyone had deployed it in North
America).  The first mobile WiMax network rollout is going on in Ghana.

Schools with computer labs need (and have) up-to-date systems and software,
usually WinXP (yetch), Win2003 (yetch), Ubuntu (guess where that effort is
based?).  They have 100M or gigE networks.

Folk there are also throwing out p2 and p3 machines as obsolete and
useless.  It's just aging hackers like me who see them as potential FreeBSD
servers, firewalls, or furniture.

Of course, Haiti and Chile might be different ...

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