filter unwanted domains?

Stephen Allen kru_tch-FFYn/CNdgSA at
Sun Sep 10 18:54:23 UTC 2006

Chris Aitken wrote:


> I'm not sure I like the idea of google having a record of all my emails...

OK Fair enough. Are you that controversial ? ;)

> Also, I'm trying the filter that THunderbird has. I think that's the
> same as what you're talking about - any mail not from domains x y and z
> go to folder 'holding tank'. I'll check that every now and then for
> anything of import. Does that sound doable? Similar to your solution?

Thunderbird's Bayesian filtering works great.

Like all of these filter mechanisms, it's only as good as how it's
trained/implemented by the end user (You).

So, to start off, get all the SPAM and good e-mail (in the hundred's if
not thousands) and tell T-Bird's JUNK filters which is good and bad in
mass. Then you'll have some good junk filtering capability from the start.

Then onwards, you'll have to tell T-Bird of each false positive and each
SPAM that makes it through -- So the JUNK rules keep getting updated.
Eventually you'll find that very little SPAM will make it through to
your Inbox.

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