introducing metalug

John Van Ostrand john-Da48MpWaEp0CzWx7n4ubxQ at
Sun Oct 29 21:58:39 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-10-29 at 16:10 -0500, Scott Elcomb wrote:
> I won't describe what I see in detail at this point, it's too early,
> but I think that metalug.* could provide several new things -
> including YACF, Yet Another Canadian Flag.  Despite the "Yet Another"
> component of the acronym, a new international/national/local
> initiative should only increase Canada's profile (for better or worse)
> in the FOSS world.  The closer it is tied to similar/related
> initiatives the better because of the resulting concept-reinforcement
> feedback loop.

Actually I think now is the time to go into more detail. There are
several aspects to deal with here. Perhaps we're talking about different
details. Here is the detail I think need to address:

The technical aspect should be easy to many of us and doesn't need to be
addressed right away. Being programmers, sysadmins, web designers, and
etc. we (i.e. the lugs in general) are abundant with technology skills
and often jump in to it too early.

Even though this isn't necessary a business venture it helps to look at
is as such and use the tools that businesses use to be successful.

Currently a vision statement is being developed in this thread. The plan
to achieve that vision will require funding, marketing and sales,
management, etc. 

> "Beyond the scope," should be communicated to other intiatives - to
> the projects/organizations better equipped to deal with the issue(s)
> at hand.  Communication is the biggest barrier here, and I think
> that's what metalug would be trying to resolve.

That communication should begin now. The LUGS would be the customers and
members. We can use them to help determine their needs. Their buy-in is
the key here. We need both the larger LUGs and the smaller lugs to buy
in and their needs will be different. They need to be part of the

We can start in this thread to speculate what those needs might be based
on the GTALUG and KW LUG and whatever other LUGS are reading. Then take
those to a larger forum of LUG reps.

> I'd suggest that local/national SMB's (Small-Medium sized Business)
> that make use of Linux/FOSS could help metalug out by sponsoring such
> an undertaking.

Those donations wouldn't taint the goals. I hadn't though of them, only
the Linux hardware and software vendors. 

> Of course, some serious organization would have to occur first.

I agree, and I have some ideas on that.

John Van Ostrand <john-Da48MpWaEp0CzWx7n4ubxQ at>
Net Direct Inc.

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