Caanadian Cafe Press style store

John McGregor mr.mcgregor-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Sun Oct 22 04:33:07 UTC 2006

> How do you feel it relates to your job? Does it give you an edge?

I have had a part time small business for a while now that services the
I.T. needs of older adults. After I finish school, I am going to put a
lot of energy into developing it into a full time situation. I've been
learning and using Linux on the desktop for some time now and quite
frankly, the Windows centric courses at Ryerson didn't teach me a lot
more than I already knew. The management courses though  were pretty
interesting. I have also noticed, now that my time at Ryerson is almost
over, that I seem to have more credibility with my target audience.
Overall, I would say that the experience has been well worth the effort

> Did you see Miss Universe around?  :-) 
No, but that may have been because the women I met during the last two
years didn't seem the types to tolerate beauty queens with any great
finesse. :lol:
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