Sickening shilling for MS by Ontario privacy commissioner

James Knott james.knott-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Fri Oct 20 11:42:14 UTC 2006

Walter Dnes wrote:
>   People, complain to your MPPs.  Ann Cavoukian is cheerleading for
> Microsoft on her taxpayer-funded salary.
>   MS is the problem, not the solution.  Spam and spammers websites and
> DNS are provided by bot-armies of compromised Windows machines.  Yet,
> here is an Ontario government official beating the drum for Microsoft's
> "7 laws of identity" at...
>   I couldn't resist commenting and pointing a link to...
>   Here's a transcript of a live chat session conducted today...
> It doesn't sound like I missed much.  Anybody who wants to witness 90
> minutes of tap-dancing is better better off renting the "Riverdance"
> video, at least you'll be better entertained.

Does anyone have her office e-mail address?  All I can find is the
general constact address for the IPC office and not her specifically.
If we use that general address, we can be sure some flunky will "filter"
our messages.

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