html frames questiony

Peter plp-ysDPMY98cNQDDBjDh4tngg at
Tue May 23 12:44:53 UTC 2006

On Tue, 23 May 2006, Chris F.A. Johnson wrote:

>   Why do you need to specify any sizes? (What's the URL?)

It's a kind of toolbar I am making. It is not public (yet?). The toolbar 
is to be in the top frame and the bottom frame is controlled by it (more 
or less). The problem is that the toolbar is crafted in a certain way 
and it appears different in different browsers. There is nothing fancy, 
just a horizontal table, but the border/height/padding interpretation in 
various browsers causes it to have a slightly different height. Thus it 
either has an 'empty' frame around it or it is clipped, depending on 
what one renders it with. The problem is caused by the impossibility (?) 
to control the hieght of a frame contents exactly without breaking 
something (f.ex. font size).

So far the only solution I fonund is to specify everything in pixels 
(for a given screen resolution) and set the frame size accordingly (in 

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