partitioning new installation

Evan Leibovitch evan-ieNeDk6JonTYtjvyW6yDsg at
Thu Mar 9 16:49:09 UTC 2006

John Van Ostrand wrote:

>For me it's LVM all the way. That way I can put only what I need on
>partitions and grow them later if need-be. Even with LVM I tend to be
>generous with / because it's much harder to grow.
Does LVM with with FAT32 filesystems?

I find that on laptops (and other dual boot systems) it's easiest to 
have the shared data on FAT32 partitions so they can be easily 
read/written whether booting Linux or Windows. The idea of LVM seems 
great, but not if it results in my needing to use filesystems that 
aren't accessible from Windows when I boot that way.

- Evan

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