The latest attempt at a Microsoft car

Ian Zimmerman nobrowser-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Fri Mar 3 05:56:11 UTC 2006

Lennart> Well they used to make very fancy nice cars, then later they
Lennart> made some very good cars that were cheaper than their
Lennart> competitors, and then after that they made some cars no one
Lennart> wanted and got into serious financial trouble, and I have no
Lennart> idea what they have done after that.

James> You forgot to mention they also licenced the design to the
James> Russians, for the Lada, which is an even worse car than the Fiat!

Actually the Lada was about the best car you could get in the east bloc,
unless you had a source of hard currency.  (IIRC, it has been a while)

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