[OT] Aaargggh! FLOSS project in need!

Scott Elcomb psema4-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org
Sun Jul 23 18:59:22 UTC 2006

On 7/23/06, Madison Kelly <linux-5ZoueyuiTZhBDgjK7y7TUQ at public.gmane.org> wrote:
> I've been working on my backup program for over two years now... I am
> always worried that someone or some company would release something
> similar, completely invaliding all my work. So far, there have been a
> couple apps released that are quite similar, and I've had a few "OMG!"
> moments, too.
> My only suggestion is this; When something like this happens you have a
> couple of options. One is look to see if the work you've done
> compliments the bigger app and see if you can merge your code into
> theirs. Not ideal, but at least you won't lose all your work.
> The second option, which is the option I've (so far) opted for, is too
> find aspects of your program that are different enough to appeal to a
> different group of people and shift the focus of your program to that
> group, so that you don't step on each other's toes so much.


Thanks for your thoughts, they are most appreciated.

I'd settled on option 2 before I posted my rant - I think I know the
key differences to bank on.  YouOS is also open source (BSD based
license) and I can probably learn a lot from their project.

What they've done with their demo is fantastic, but there are a couple
of reasons why I think Atomic OS needs to "go it alone."

Probably the biggest point is that Atomic OS doesn't require a server.
 Advanced features like database access or online filesystems require
a server, but otherwise Atomic OS is a self contained (as one file)
environment.  You can carry it and it's applications and/or data with
you in a USB key...  Just like TiddlyWiki.

The only thing I need to turn Atomic OS into a serious contender is
one or two more programmers that know JavaScript.

I want to post to the TiddlyWiki developers list (of which I've been a
member for closing on a year), but I don't know if it's a "correct"
thing to do.  I don't want to take any developers from that project.
Then again, they're the ones most likely to see the true potential of
Atomic OS.

Anyone interested:

Links for reference, sorry I didn't provide the URL's earlier.

Slashdot story: http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/07/23/1231217
YouOS: https://www.youos.com/

Scott Elcomb

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