Logging into a computer behind a router?

Alex Maynard amaynard-vQ8rsROW2HJSpjfjxSPG1fd9D2ou9A/h at public.gmane.org
Fri Jul 14 19:16:00 UTC 2006

Hi All:

I am confused by what may be a fairly basic networking question:

I have two linux computers attached to a Linksys router, one of which
I would like to be able to log into from both the other computer and from
my office.

If I use the address that I get from /sbin/ifconfig I am able to login
from the other computer linked to the same router, but not from outside.

Also the address I get from /sbin/ifconfig is entirely different from the
one I see if I go to http://ww2.economics.utoronto.ca/whoami.php, which
reads off IP addresses and the IP address that I read off from that page
is the same for both computers hooked up to the router.  So I am guessing
that this is the router address and that the outside world is only seeing
as far as the router and can't get past this?  Does that sound right? If
so, does anyone know of a simple way to change this so that I can log in
from outside?


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