Linux, Internet Cafe, Haiti...

Jamon Camisso jamon.camisso-H217xnMUJC0sA/PxXw9srA at
Tue Jan 17 19:40:32 UTC 2006

So I'm looking at simply purchasing a number of these systems to take 
down to Jacmel and configure them there:

I'll have the hard drives taken out since it appears that the network 
cards (10/100) PCI have a cable that attaches to the motherboard? Is 
this perhaps the boot from LAN that I'm hoping it is? The systems have 
floppy drives so it isn't too much of a problem.

The video cards are all 16mb AGP, more than enough to do the job 
according to what I've read on LTSP and such websites.

Also, the sound is built into the motherboard, making it PCI if I 
understand built in components correctly (unless there is such a thing 
as built in ISA???). I've heard that esound will look after sound for 
each client computer. Can it look after line in (microphone) as well?

One question: would gigabit from the server to the switch and then 
100mbit to the terminals make things quicker than just plain 100mbit 


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