USB speakers with Linux: update

Dominic Bonfiglio dominicbonfiglio-Mmb7MZpHnFY at
Mon Jan 9 05:11:31 UTC 2006

Some new information about my USB speaker question: I have now noticed 
that the Kmix mixer registers the USB speakers, giving me mixer options 
  for the usb speakers (bass, treble, and PCM). Everything appears to be 
working: when I turn the PCM off and on, the light on the USB speaker 
goes on and off as well. But the speakers still don't carry sound. What 
am I doing wrong?


[the old message...]

Hello. I recently purchased Logitech V20 digital speakers for my laptop
and now have question about setting up USB audio support for Linux (I am
using the suse 10.0 distribution.)

When I plug in the speakers, the following appears under "/var/log/messages"

Jan  8 13:17:16 linux kernel: usb 2-2: new full speed USB device using
uhci_hcd and address 3
Jan  8 13:17:16 linux kernel: ALSA sound/usb/usbaudio.c:1225: current
rate 0 is different from the runtime rate 48000
Jan  8 13:17:16 linux kernel: ALSA sound/usb/usbaudio.c:1225: current
rate 0 is different from the runtime rate 48000
Jan  8 13:17:16 linux kernel: ALSA sound/usb/usbaudio.c:1225: current
rate 0 is different from the runtime rate 48000
Jan  8 13:17:16 linux kernel: input: USB HID v1.00 Device [Logitech
Logitech USB Speaker] on usb-0000:00:1d.0-2

This is a good sign, I guess, but the speakers still don't play. I
looked at YaST (under "hardware" and "sound") as well as the alsa and
kmix mixers, and I found nothing that allows me to regulate USB audio
output. I did some research in the Internet but the little information I
found exceeded my technical know-how (I am still a novice to Linux, a
recent convert from Windows who still relies on the graphic interface
95% of the time.)

Does anyone have experience with setting up digital speakers with Linux?
Can anyone offer me advice?


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