new motherboard, new problems?

John Moniz john.moniz-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg at
Wed Feb 22 02:21:26 UTC 2006

Lennart Sorensen wrote:

>On Tue, Feb 21, 2006 at 01:13:21PM -0500, PW Armstrong wrote:
>>installed a new motherboard a while back  (OK, OK, it's not new, but's 
>>it's new to my old computer)
>>had some problems with monitor/graphics card settings, which I fixed 
>>with help from lenn (actually, there wasn't a problem, I just decided to 
>>ignore/not check the monitor settings, and assume it was a graphics card 
>>issue, which it is was not)
>>but ever since the new motherboard went in, have been having a handful 
>>of other annoying glitches.
>>In order of annoyance/inconvenience:
>>-mouse randomly goes whacky, i.e., wanders randomly over the screen 
>>whenever I move the mouse, rather than tracking the physical mouse 
>>movement (actually, the vertical movement tracks correctly, the 
>>horizontal movement goes random)
>>-mozilla/mozilla mail (vn 1.4.1) randomly freezes on me (never did with 
>>the original mb) (I think the first is related to a mozilla problem, 
>>since it always occurs when I'm accessing an e-mail or e-mail folder 
>>from mozilla)
>>-when I power down, computer does not automatically shut off as it used 
>>to, even though the 'power down' command is executed
>>The first 2 are fixed by rebooting.
>>Oh yeah:
>>-running RH 8
>>-motherboard:  ASRock M810LMR
>>Any ideas/suggestions for correcting these problems?  Thx.
>Perhaps your kernel is too old for the board.  RH8 is after all ancient.
>For the mouse, check the port and protocol settings.  Some motherboards
>require different ps2 settings (if you still use a ps2 mouse, I
>certainly don't, given USB is much more reliable and simpler to setup).
>Mozilla only ever crashes on me if I have the flashplayer plugin
>installed, so I just don't install that anymore.
>Of course your new board may be unstable, the cpu could be unstable, or
>the ram could be unstable, or you have a bad bios setting or a buggy
>bios version.
>For the poweroff, you normally need apm or acpi support for that, so
>make sure that is enabled in the bios and that the kernel knows about
>it, and that apmd or acpid is installed as appropriate.
>Len Sorensen
I have found on two powerdown problems very similar to yours that the 
fix was to improve the isolation of the MB from the case. You can prove 
that by running your entire system out of the case (can be tricky to 
have the power cables reach the MB). Powering off may work then. Anyway, 
I used the red washers to insulate each screw on both sides of the MB. 
It worked - on two different MBs.

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