Compiling help needed

Merv Curley mervc-MwcKTmeKVNQ at
Mon Feb 20 17:18:04 UTC 2006

It doesn't take much to stop me when engaged in this activity.

kanotix is basically Debian sid, so that is the specific distro I am using 
today..  Trying to compile the new version of Tellico and the configure 
script stops with  'error   can't find X includes'.

Anyone any idea what to install or what to add to the ./configure command?

The Debian Tellico works without $KDEDIRS being set but might it be necessary 
should I get this new version installed?  I assume for debian it is just 
"/usr/bin".  Speaking of ENV variables where are they set,  none 
in /etc/profile, bash.bashrc or locally?

Thanks for any help 

Merv Curley
Toronto, Ont. Can

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