Do you prefer mailing lists or web based forums?

Ian Zimmerman nobrowser-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Fri Feb 3 10:26:58 UTC 2006

Daniel> Opinion here seems to heavily favour mailing lists over
Daniel> web-based forums.  Why is that?

Daniel> Why do *you* prefer mailing lists over web-based forums?

With a good user agent (such as Gnus) your interface to a mailing list
(or a Usenet newsgroup) is very powerful.  You can, for example, score
and filter messages, sort them based on multiple criteria, move them
among different "folders", sign your contributions with GPG, millions
of other things that don't come to mind right now.  You're only limited
by the user agent program, and there are many of them and competition
ensures many great features.

With a web forum, you're limited by the interface of your browser.

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