So Rogers has lost me as a customer...

John Moniz john.moniz-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg at
Thu Feb 2 03:05:39 UTC 2006

Lennart Sorensen wrote:

>On Tue, Jan 31, 2006 at 06:51:35PM -0500, Leigh Honeywell wrote:
>>EVDO, the "new Bell wireless thing" is only around 2.4 Mbps.  There is
>>a 25 Mbps service being rolled out, but you can only get 5 of actual
>>internet off it - the other 20 are being used to deliver IPTV.  2
>>channels at 10Mbps per.  Over a traditional phone line, currently only
>>rolled out to a few CO's.
>>But screw the next-gen DSL.  I'd like some FTTP please :-)
>VHDSL looks nice, although it looks like it essentially would be running
>fibre to the block, and then switching it to DSL over the phoneline at
>that point.  Does make the fibre all the way seem about as simple.
>Len Sorensen
Not nearly as simple. Take the fibre to where the copper distribution 
starts and you have a ready connection to every building in that 
distribution area. Compare that to placing fibre up and down every 
street past every house in a built-up area???
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