So Rogers has lost me as a customer...

Lennart Sorensen lsorense-1wCw9BSqJbv44Nm34jS7GywD8/FfD2ys at
Wed Feb 1 15:39:52 UTC 2006

On Tue, Jan 31, 2006 at 05:23:23PM -0500, Andrew Hammond wrote:
> Sure, but they only measure throughput of the file you're  
> transferring. They don't include any of the overhead. You need to  
> consider the overhead as well if you're going to make a serious  
> analysis of the actual speed of your connection.

http is quite efficient and doesn't have much overhead.  Comparing
ethernet to my cable modem with ethernet to another machine should be
quite reasonable.  I have managed about 11MB/s on 100Mbit ethernet.  So
I think expecting 95% or so throughput on a 5Mbit cable connection is
reasonable too.

> Uh... 80% isn't amazing, but it's not too bad, at least in my  
> opinion. Have you looked at packet loss rates?

I figure it they sell me a 5Mbit service that should be what data rate I
can put through the ethernet interface of the cablemodem.  What overhead
their cable signal encoding has is their problem.

Checking rogers web site it appears they have changed the extreme
service from 5 to 6Mbit and increased the transfer limit from 60 to
100GB/month.  How nice of them to tell me. :)

> Oh, is that their new wireless thing? Personally, I think I'll wait  
> until there's fiber options available before I ditch the cable.  
> Rogers has been sufficiently reliable, at least for me. However we  
> have a fiber connection at work...

Sounds nice.

> Well, if it's really that important, you could certainly move again.  
> Or, consider it the next time you do move.

I did.  I asked my ISP and they asked bell and was told that yes the new
location had DSL.  From what I found out later it seems that yes they
offer DSL, but the DSLAM is full and they aren't adding another one for
a while.  So yes I checked, and both me and the ISP was rather surprised
to find out later it wasn't actually going to be possible.

Len Sorensen
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