KnoppMyth on a 320G drive

Dave Mason dmason-bqArmZWzea/GcjXNFnLQ/w at
Tue Dec 5 20:43:37 UTC 2006

I run MythTV on a 900MHz P4, and display at (at least) 1024x780 uses
about 5% of the CPU.  I had had concerns about this.  I have a PVR-350
so encoding is also a few % of CPU.

Since we're talking about MythTV, does anybody know any tricks about
transcoding?  I have lots of things that I've editted out uninteresting
bits and I'd like to transcode them down to shrink them, but when I
attempt to transcode, nothing happens (well, they queue up, but then it
says its an error).  I could clean it all up by moving it to my Mac and
editing it there, but that seems like cheating.

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