moving to a larger hard drive...

Aaron Vegh aaronvegh-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Sat Dec 2 05:11:15 UTC 2006

Hi TLUGers,
I've got a mythtv system that had a 30GB drive. Predictably, I have
now purchased a 320GB drive to replace it. Now, given the hassle
involved in getting the system working (and it's just right!), you can
imagine I'd much rather just duplicate the drive onto the larger one.
However, the dd command proved less than useful! It created a
duplicate but seemed to have made my drive 30GB in size. Plus, the
resulting drive wouldn't boot the computer (a problem with Grub,
perhaps? It stalls at a flashing cursor on boot, suggesting it doesn't
see a boot drive).

Further complicating factors include the fact that the old drive is
IDE, the new drive is SATA2. We're moving from /dev/hda to /dev/sda.

I've read online that dd will simply replicate the partition, but
there must be a way to move files across such that it'll boot?

Any advice you can give would be tremendously helpful.

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