compaq deskpro en errors

caitken-Bm8TULXj0r/3fQ9qLvQP4Q at caitken-Bm8TULXj0r/3fQ9qLvQP4Q at
Fri Dec 1 15:42:59 UTC 2006

I bought a second-hand PC, installed FC2 on it. My son used it for a week or 
so without issue. He plays games on  website then gets off. Recently after 
logging on he got the errors: 

An error occurred while loading or saving configuration information for 
gnome-settings-daemon. Some of your configuration settings may not work 

Here's an excerpt from that error's Details box: 

Failed to con? configuration server, some possible causes are tat you need 
to enable TCP/IP networking or ORBit, or you have stale NTS locks due to a 
system crash... 

A separate, concomitant error: 

Error activating XKB configuration. It can happen under various 
a bug in libxklavier
 - a bug in Xserver (xkbcomp, xmodmap utilities)
X server with incompatable libxkbfile inplementation 

I'm always in awe that there are people that understand this stuff but I am 
not one of them. I didn't want to lose the installation of macromedia flash 
and all the stuff that makes printing to the hp psc 1610 possible, so, 
rather than do a reinstall, I did an upgrade to FC4 hoping the errors would 
not be still be there. I was surprised to see the errors did persist through 
the upgrade. 

The computer: 

Compaq Deskpro EN (722 Mhz processor I think)
256 MB RAM
Video: Matrox Millenium G400
Monitor: Compaq S710 Colour
Sound: [Intel Corp.] “82801AA AC'97 Audio” snd-intel 8x0
NIC: 3c905C-TX/TX-M[Tornado] (eth0) 

Any ideas that I could try? 

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