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Evan Leibovitch evan-ieNeDk6JonTYtjvyW6yDsg at
Tue Apr 4 18:07:08 UTC 2006

Bill wrote:

>Now, the question that is being asked in the GTALUG executive meetings is what exactly is your role in anything.
You could have always asked me; I'm not exactly inaccessible. That you 
choose to ask this in a public forum rather than private email is 

>We have not been contacted officially or unofficially by any of the executives of CLUE
That is an absolute lie.

I sent an email to the GTALUG Board February 23rd, identifying myself as 
Executive Director of CLUE and requesting a meeting. (That role can be 
easily verified at

At this meeting, I wanted to present some proposals (which are still on 
the table, of anyone's interested) that would result in increased 
revenue and membership for GTALUG and a strengthening of the regional 
user community. I also proposed sharing resources at LinuxWorld; I'd 
thought that a combined LI/CLUE/GTALUG booth would have sent a good 
message to the public and made best use of scarce resources.

I followed up with personal conversations with Christopher and William, 
who acknowledged receipt of my request.

On March 3, in frustration of not receiving any reply, I posted to this 

>I have made repeated offers to to multiple GTALUG Board members regarding sharing resources (people, money, furniture, banners, card scanners , media relations, etc.)  and I'm still hoping to co-operate. If anyone on the GTALUG board is reading this, please mail me back and let's see how we can get the most mileage from working together.
Colin replied:

>Well, a response to your offer was considered at the last board meeting, and I gather that a formal response is being written.
No response, formal or otherwise, ever came.

Can we please transcend the petty bureaucracy and games playing, folks? 
There is SO much that needs to be done, and such a limited amount of 
resources. There are good people in GTALUG and CLUE and throughout the 
community, yet Queen's Park is the most anti-open-source province in the 
country. Why is co-operation necessary to help fix this so much of a 
minefield? Why is GTALUG the only user group not to respond, let alone 
work together?

- Evan

The Toronto Linux Users Group.      Meetings:
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