Smartpm 0.36

Jamon Camisso jamon.camisso-H217xnMUJC0sA/PxXw9srA at
Fri Sep 16 23:11:22 UTC 2005

I decided to try smartpm with Gnome today. From what I've read it might 
well become the package manager of choice for many. However, when I 
start with the --gui option, the window fills my screen, but the list 
box(es) stay in the top left corner and will not expand past their 1x1" 
size. I tried running it inside KDE but with the same results.

Has anyone successfully used smartpm --gui? If so, how? My only thought 
is that it may have something to do with the theme being used 
(spherecrystal) but I cannot imagine why this would make a difference in 
layout to the degree that the app is non-functional as it is on my two 
separate systems.

Jamon Camisso
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