Where can I buy a linux-friendly laptop?

Evan Leibovitch evan-ieNeDk6JonTYtjvyW6yDsg at public.gmane.org
Mon Nov 21 19:52:24 UTC 2005

Lennart Sorensen wrote:

>There are pay phones at the mall with phone jacks on them you can use
>for dialup.  There do not seem to be power outlets near by.  You pay a
>quarter for the call, the mall does not seem to sell power.
There are also plenty of hotels that provide modem ports on the phone
but fill up their electrical outlets with other stuff.. Sometimes I'd
rather run off the laptop's battery for a while than move half the
furniture around to get to a plug. Then overnight you can charge your
laptop's battery in the bathroom, using the "razor/hairdryer" plug which
is always available :-).

- Evan
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